Geo 490 Topics in Regional Geology and Mapping Techniques

Exploring the Geology of Crete "Field Geology"

Field trips through Crete geological wonders. Learning and recognizing the variety of rocks; as well as the onfield study of differents samples.

Geological Wonders...
HIA 350/750 or LEH 354 History and Archeology of the Bronze Age

Minoan and Mycenaean setlements in Crete

Examinization of Bronze Age setlements of the Minoan Civilization and its consequent defeat and occupation by the Mycenaean Greeks.

Cretan History...

Planning an on board trip to a new adventure.

As the participant of the tudy Abroad program, you also have responsabilities.

    To participate in all pre-departure sessions and to read all the materials distributed by the program director, study abroad office.

    To complete the College's pre departure orientation that will include information about different cultural customs, norms and laws in the destination country. You will be advised that different norms abroad may affect your safety and/or the safety of other program participants.
    To follow all program rules.
    If you go to a bar or party abroad, to arrive and leave with friends.
    If you or a friend are impared by alcohol or drugs, to seek help from a trip leader. A student who reports or experiences sexual harrasment, gender base harrasment, or sexual violence will not be disciplined by the college for any violation of CUNY's police Against Drugs and Alcohol in connection with the reported incidenet subject to the conditions in CUNY's Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan police.
    If you are participating in a program not run directly by CUNY, including CUNY-affiliated programs, it is your responsability to ask the program to provide information on its policies and practices regarding sexual misconduct.