Greek Table

Columns leading to the highest hierarchy dorms. Located under the main Thrones Knossos Palace in Heraklion

Structure and wood sketch of the Minoan Palace and settlement. Heraklion Archeological Museum.

Red columns in the high back representing the thrones of the kings. View and control of the kingdom

Representation of the man hierarchy and power in the kingdom. Heraklion Archeological Museum

Tributes and ceremony rituals to procede and please the king and queen. Heraklion Museum

The three Axes representing a new era of hunting and power. An era of metal power. Heraklion Museum

Palace of Faistos. Red columns as decorations in the main ceremony's room. Ruins an Palace of Phaistos

Archeological ruins and structure of Gornia. A caracteristic redish color an amazing settlement of Gornia.

Heraklion Archeological Museum. Minoan settlement and Minoan tablet representing the culture and power